QISLIB Documentation


Main Functions - Init, Open, Close Functions

QisLib_InitLib Instructs QISLIB to initialize the library.
QisLib_CloseLib Instructs QISLIB to close the library.
QisLib_OpenGDSII Instructs QISLIB to open a GDSII file.
QisLib_CloseGDSII Instructs QISLIB to close a GDSII file.
QisLib_OpenMemoryMaps Instructs QISLIB to open, scan and load memory maps directly without a GDSII file.
QisLib_OpenOASIS Instructs QISLIB to open an OASIS file.
QisLib_CloseOASIS Instructs QISLIB to close an OASIS file.
QisLib_OpenStructure Specifies the cell to be processed.
QisLib_Stop Instructs the QISLIB to stop the current operation.
QisLib_SetExceptionHandlerCallback Instructs QISLIB to set an exception handler.

Set Functions - Windowing Functions

QisLib_SetExactWindow Sets the desired window used for retreiving vector data and images.
QisLib_SetWindow Sets the desired window used for retreiving vector data and images.
QisLib_SetZoomIn Sets the window such that it appears like a zoom in by a factor of 2.

Set Functions - Layer Functions

QisLib_SetLayersOn Instructs the QisLib to turn on the specified layer:datatypes.
QisLib_SetLayersOff Instructs the QisLib to turn off the specified layer:datatypes.
QisLib_SetLayersOutlineColor Sets the outline color for the specified layer:datatype combinations.
QisLib_SetLayersFillColor Sets the fill color for the specified layer:datatype combinations.
QisLib_SetLayersFill Sets the fill pattern for the specified layer:datatype combinations.
QisLib_SetLayersOutlineType Sets the outline of the specified layer:datatypes to the corresponding type.
QisLib_SetInputLayerMap Instructs QisLib to treat data on a particular layer: datatype as if they are on another layer:datatype while opening a GDSII/OASIS file - click for more information.
QisLib_SetOutputLayerMap Instructs QisLib to treat data on a particular layer:datatype as if they are on another layer:datatype while saving a GDSII/OASIS file - click for more information.

Set Functions - Basic Functions

QisLib_SetFill Toggles the Fill/Outline setting for drawing data.
QisLib_SetOutline Toggles the Fill/Outline setting for drawing data.
QisLib_SetTextMode Turn text on/off. On indicates that text are drawn or outputted.
QisLib_SetTextScale Controls the scale of the text.
QisLib_SetArrayMode Controls how cell array references are outputted.
QisLib_SetNestingLevel Controls the levels of cell reference hierarchy for which data is to be drawn or output.

Set Functions - Display Filter Functions

QisLib_SetDisplayFilterSize All data smaller than the specified size in the current view will not be drawn or processed.
QisLib_SetStructureDisplayFilterSize All cells references with size in the current view less than the display filter size in pixels will not be drawn or processed.
QisLib_SetOutlineFilter Controls polygon outline display.
QisLib_SetDrawFilteredAreas Controls how filtered areas are drawn.
QisLib_SetSDFOutlineColor Sets the outline color for cell references drawn as filtered boxes.
QisLib_SetSDFFillColor Sets the fill color for the cell references drawn as filtered boxes.
QisLib_SetSDFColor Sets the fill color and outline color for the cell references drawn as filtered boxes.
QisLib_SetSDFFill Sets the fill pattern for the cell references drawn as filtered boxes.

Set Functions - Vector Data Functions

QisLib_SetVectorDataCallback This function must be called before any of the "Vector Data" functions.
QisLib_SetGetVectorPath Controls how QisLib returns paths when processing vector data.
QisLib_SetVectorUnit Sets the vector data units to database units (integer) or user units (floating point)
QisLib_SetReferenceVectorFormat Controls how cell & array reference information is returned by 'Vector Data' functions.
QisLib_SetReferenceVectorMatrix Controls how QisLib returns information about cell/array reference orientation.
QisLib_SetVertexInfoRadius Sets the number of screen pixels around a specified vertex to be treated as search area for vector data.
QisLib_SetVectorFull When on, only data that is fully contained in the specified window is returned.
QisLib_SetVectorGrandParents Turn this on to get grand parent cells in addition to parent cell for all vector data.

Set Functions - Image Setting Functions

QisLib_SetImageSize Use this function to set the image size in pixels for the images generated by QisLib_Redraw, QisLib_GetImage and QisLib_ZoomHome.
QisLib_SetImageFormat Sets the format of the image returned by QisLib_GetImage, QisLib_Redraw or QisLib_ZoomHome.
QisLib_SetBackgroundColor Sets the background color to black or white.
QisLib_SetDrawWindowID Informs QisLib to draw directly to the user application's drawing area instead of returning an image.
QisLib_SetReferenceMarker Turns the display of cell and text reference markers ON/OFF.
QisLib_SetGeometryMarker Turns on/off the display of markers at the first vertex of each geometry.
QisLib_SetMarkerShape Sets the shape of the marker.
QisLib_SetScaleBar Turns on/off the scale bar overlaid on the data.
QisLib_SetStructureLabels Controls whether the cell references on a particular hierarchy level are labeled with a cell name.
QisLib_SetStructureOutline Controls whether the cell references on a particular hierarchy level are drawn with an extent outline.

Set Functions - Miscellaneous Functions

QisLib_SetWorkingDirectory Sets the directry to store temporary files.
QisLib_SetProcessEvents Allows QISLIB to process events during a busy process.
QisLib_SetProgressMessageCallback Sets the callback function which will be called with a string containing progress information every time QisLib wants to send progress information.
QisLib_SetBoxBoundary Controls how box polygon type is treated when returning Vector Data or Bitmap Images for a GDSII file.
QisLib_SetLoadEmptyRef Turn this ON to load references to cells with no data.
QisLib_SetIgnoreTexts Turn this ON to ignore text entities during open ...
QisLib_SetDBU Instructs the QisLib to set the grid (GDSII and OASIS) and units (GDSII) for the file to be saved.
QisLib_SetResolution The resolution indicates the finest precision users can address in user unit.

Set Functions - OASIS Functions

QisLib_SetOASISCompression This function controls whether the output will have compressed data within cells.

Set Functions - Editing Functions

QisLib_SetLoadMemory When turned ON, the GDSII/OASIS file is loaded into the memory.
QisLib_SetVectorHandle Instructs QisLib to return handles to boundaries or paths while returning vector data.
QisLib_SetAddVectorHandle Instructs QisLib to return vector(Boundary/Path) handles after adding new polygons.
QisLib_SetTransformation Sets the transformation for the current cell - dx, dy, xy mirror, rotate, scale xy.

Set Functions - Memory Map Functions

QisLib_SetMemoryMapsDir QisLib will search for memory maps files in this directory.
QisLib_SetCreateMemoryMaps Memory maps are disk images of the QisLib internal database in the memory when a GDSII file is opened.
QisLib_SetUseMemoryMaps Instructs QisLib to use or not use memory maps while opening a GDSII file.

Get Functions - Cell Information Functions

QisLib_GetStructureList Gets a list of all cell names present in the file.
QisLib_GetStructureRoot Gets a list of top cell names present in the file.
QisLib_GetStructureChildren Gets a list of cell names referenced by the specified cell.
QisLib_FreeStructureList Use this function to free a list of cell names allocated internally by QisLib.
QisLib_GetStructureExtents Gets the data extents of the specified cell.
QisLib_GetStructureChildrenNum Same as QisLib_GetStructureChildren but also returns the number of references to each child cell.
QisLib_FreeStructChildrenRefsData Free the list allocated internally by QisLib in response to QisLib_GetStructureChildrenNum function.
QisLib_GetStructureVertices Returns the number of vertices for boundaries and paths in a cell.

Get Functions - Layer Information Functions

QisLib_GetLayerList Gets a list of all layers present in the file.
QisLib_FreeLayerList Free the list of layers allocated internally by QisLib_GetLayerList function call.
QisLib_GetDataNumberPerLayer Returns a list of layers and the number of boundaries, paths, texts and boxes present on each layer.
QisLib_FreeLayerDataList Use this function to free the list allocated by QisLib_GetDataNumberPerLayer.

Get Functions - Vector Data Functions

QisLib_GetVectorDataCallback Returns a pointer to the vector data handler function.
QStore_GetDataVectorBoundaries Collects boundary data into an internal database.
QisLib_GetDataVector Output vector data (boundaries, paths, texts, cell and array references).
QisLib_GetDataVectorExactWindows This function can be used to get vector data for multiple windows.
QisLib_GetDataVectorWindows This function can be used to get vector data for multiple windows.
QisLib_GetDisplayVector Output vector data (boundaries, paths, texts, cell and array references).
QisLib_GetDisplayVectorExactWindows This function can be used to get vector data for multiple windows.
QisLib_GetDisplayVectorWindows This function can be used to get vector data for multiple windows.
QisLib_GetWindowInfo Function used to get a stream of vector data (boundaries, paths, texts, cell references and array references) that falls within the specified window.
QisLib_GetVertexInfo Function used to output all data with a vertex near to the specified point.
QisLib_GetStructureReferences Function used to get references to a cell within the current window area.
QisLib_GetStructureTree Function used to to get cell and array references within the specified cell.

Get Functions - Drawing Functions

QisLib_Redraw This is the primary function responsible for drawing.
QisLib_ZoomHome This function draws an image corresponding to the home view of the current opened cell's extents.
QisLib_GetImage This function retrieves an image from QisLib's internal drawing area.

Get Functions - Miscellaneous Functions

QisLib_GetDBU This function can be used to get the database information (Grid and Units) stored in the header of the GDSII/OASIS file.
QisLib_GetWindow This function Retreives the extents of the current window.
QisLib_GetOpenGDSWarnings This function must be called immediately after QisLib_OpenGDSII returns successfully.
QisLib_GetErrorMsg Returns a string corresponding to the last error condition.
QisLib_GetQISReport Retrieves the general statistics about the GDSII/OASIS file opened.
QisLib_GetLicenseReport Retrieves the license string which indicates the type and version of license in use.
QisLib_GetQisVersion Returns a pointer to the version string.

Get Functions - Extract GDSII/OASIS Functions

QisLib_GetGDSII ExtractS GDSII data in the current window to a flat GDSII file with no hierarchy.
QisLib_GetOASIS ExtractS OASIS data in the current window to a flat OASIS file with no hierarchy.

Get Functions - Extract High Resolution Tiff Functions

QisLib_GetHiresImage This function generates a high resolution monochrome image and writes it to file.
QisLib_GetHiresImageTcp Same as QisLib_GetHiresImage but it returns a pointer to a buffer with the Tiff image bytes instead of writing to a Tiff file.

Editing Functions - GDSII Editing Functions

QisLib_NewGDSII This command starts a new database using the specified grid and units as if an empty file has been opened.
QisLib_ReloadGDSII This function can be used to reload a GDSII file with a different QisLib_SetLoadMemory setting.
QisLib_SaveGDSII This function can be used to save a GDSII file opened in edit mode.
QisLib_SaveGDSIIStructure This function saves the currently opened cell and all the cells it references down the hierarchy to the output file.

Editing Functions - OASIS Editing Functions

QisLib_NewOASIS This command starts a new database using the specified grid and units as if an empty file has been opened.
QisLib_ReloadOASIS This function can be used to reload an OASIS file with a different QisLib_SetLoadMemory setting.
QisLib_SaveOASIS This function can be used to save an OASIS file opened in edit mode.
QisLib_SaveOASISStructure This function saves the currently opened cell and all the cells it references down the hierarchy to the output file.

Editing Functions - General Editing Functions

QisLib_AddStructure This function adds a cell with the specified name to the existing database.
QisLib_AddLayer This function adds a layer to the internal database.
QisLib_AddPath This function adds a path to a cell.
QisLib_AddBoundary This function adds a boundary to a cell.
QisLib_AddRoundPolygon This function adds a round polygon (a polygon with many vertices which looks like a circle) to a cell.
QisLib_DeleteVector This function deletes a data (boundary, path, round polygon) represented by a handle.
QisLib_DeletAlleVectors Delete all boundaries, paths, texts and round polygons in the specified cell.
QisLib_UndeleteVector Restore a data previously deleted using a QisLib_DeleteVector or QisLib_DeleteAllVectors.
QisLib_UndeleteAllVectors Restores all data previously deleted using a QisLib_DeleteVector or QisLib_DeleteAllVectors.


QisLib Flags click here to see the list of all available flags.

QISLIB Data Structure

CQisMetric To store a value that can be double (user unit) or integer (database unit) depending on the QisLib_SetVectorUnit setting.
CXYCoords An array of co-ordinates representing alternating x and y values.
CVectHandle It stores a handle to a single item of vector data. (boundary and path)
CQisBoundary To store information about a boundary.
CQisPath To store information about a path.
CQisRound Stores information about a round polygon.
CQisText Stores information about a round polygon.
CQisSAref Stores information about a cell reference or an array cell reference.
CQisLayer Represents a GDSII/OASIS layer.
CQisColor Represents a particular color used by the QisLib.
CQisLayerData Stores information about the amount of data present on each layer.
CQisStructNumRefs Stores a cell name and a number indicating the number of references to this cell.
CQisLayerCoords A list of vertices on a layer.
COpenGDSWarnings Records the warnings that are issued when a GDSII file is being opened.

QISLIB Support and Compliance

GDSII Layers
The range of layer and datatype numbers is 0 to 65535.
The maximum number of different layer numbers is 2048.
The maximum number of different datatype numbers is 256.
Together, the maximum number of layer:datatype combinations supported is 65,536 (not 524,288).
Maximum cell name length is 127..
Maximum number of cells is 64 bit signed integer (or limited by memory available, each cell uses at least 200 bytes plus the length of the cell name).
Maximum number of cell references or cell array references is 64 bit signed integer (or limited by memory available).
Maximum number of rows in a cell array reference is 32767.
Maximum number of columns in a cell array reference is 32767.
Maximum hierarchy depth of a cell is 32 bit signed integer.
Legal characters for cell names are all printable ASCII characters (hex 21-7E) except comma (,) and double quote ("). The space character (hex 20) is also allowed.

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GDSII Boundaries, Paths, Texts
Maximum number of vertices for a boundary or path is 8191 with the last vertex coordinates being the same as the first vertex. This is the limit in the GDSII specification.
Minimum and maximum coordinates are 32 bit signed integer which is the limit in the GDSII specification..
Maximum number of boundaries, paths or texts is 64 bit signed integer (or limited by memory available).

OASIS Layers
The range of layer and datatype numbers is 0 to 65535.
The maximum number of different layer numbers is 2048.
The maximum number of different datatype numbers is 256.
Together, the maximum number of layer:datatype combinations supported is 65,536 (not 522,240).
Maximum cell name length is 127..
Maximum number of cells is 64 bit signed integer (or limited by memory available, each cell uses at least 200 bytes plus the length of the cell name).
Maximum number of cell references or cell array references is 64 bit signed integer (or limited by memory available).
Maximum number of rows in a cell array reference is 32767.
Maximum number of columns in a cell array reference is 32767.
Maximum hierarchy depth of a cell is 32 bit signed integer.
OASIS Boundaries, Paths, Texts
Maximum number of boundaries, paths or texts is 64 bit signed integer (or limited by memory available).
Minimum and maximum coordinates are 32 bit signed integer.
Maximum number of boundaries, paths or texts is 64 bit signed integer (or limited by memory available).