32 bit subsystem error - libstdc++.so.6: wrong ELF class

When upgrading from an older Linux version of our software to a newer one, you may encounter the following:

[tools@pc68 ~]$ /tools/gdsfiltv259/bin/gdsfilt -v 
/tools/gdsfiltv259/bin/gdsfilt: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 
This error occurs when the 32 bit subsystem is not installed, on 64 bit Linux OS.

The solution will be to install 32 bit sub system. You can do so from the installation DVD or by downloading it from the web.
If you do a Google search "yum install 32 bit glibc", you will find links to download the libraries.

On Ubuntu based systems you will need to use the apt-get install command. You will need to put the library name on the command line (For example:apt-get install libXp).

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