Operation Codes


The operation codes determine which Boolean operation (or sizing) the program performs on the input file. As part of the operation code, the source layer or layers are also specified.

Op Code Syntax



The plus sign "+" indicates the UNION operation also known as OR and also known as adding two layers together. This operation can be performed on a single source layer in which case any touching or overlapping polygons are combined.

It is also possible to unionize multiple input layers. In this case all polygons are combined and the results are output on a single target layer.

Example 1

boolw64f in.gds out.gds TOP 3 +5

This command line reads the file in.gds and unionizes layer 5. The results are written to out.gds on layer 3.

Example 2

boolw64f in.gds out.gds TOP 3 +5,9,22

This reads the in.gds file and unionizes layers 5, 9 and 22. The results are written to out.gds on layer 3.



The small "x" indicates an XOR operation. XOR is constantly used in mask operations. It always requires two source layer arguments. As part of the XOR operation the two input layers must first be unionized -- otherwise we cannot proceed with the XOR calculations. XOR operation results do not depend on order of the layers.


boolw64f in.gds out.gds TOP 5 +7x9

This command line XOR's layers 7 and 9 from in.gds and puts them in the file called out.gds on layer 5.



The small "a" indicates an AND operation. This operation always requires two source layers; layer order does not matter.


boolw64f in.gds out.gds TOP 5 +7a9

This command AND's layers 7 and 9 from in.gds and puts them in the file called out.gds on layer 5.



The minus sign or dash, "-" indicates a MINUS operation. Two input layers must be specified; the order does matter. Minus is not quite the same operation as XOR.


boolw64f in.gds out.gds TOP 5 +7-9

This command line subtracts layer 9 from layer 7 and puts the results in the file called out.gds on layer 5.




boolw64f in.gds out.gds = = + -union -maxpts:8191 -thrnum:2

This command line performs union operation on all the layers in the input file, and keep the same layer numbers in the output file.




boolw64f in.gds out.gds = "27;78;87" "+2+7;+7a8;+8x2" -union -maxpts:8191 -thrnum:2

This command line performs union between layers 2 and 7 and saves output to layer 27 in the output file. It also performs AND operation between 7 and 8 and saves that in layer 78. Finally it performs XOR between 8 and 2, and saves that in layer 87 in the output file.

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