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Program Usage

The ODB++2OAS translator can be run from a GUI or from the command line. Both will be described here.


To start the GUI execute the file found in the bin directory named odb2oas. The main dialog will open:

odb2oas main dialog

Loading an Input File

To load an input ODB++ file, first check the correct option: File indicates the ODB++ is available as a .tgz (tar gzipped) file. Directory indicates that the ODB++ data is available as a directory hierarchy.

Use the Browse button to open a file dialog and select either the appropriate .tgz file, or if opening a directory hierarchy, navigate until you get to the top of the ODB++ folder hierachy.

odb2oas file open dialog

Select the desired file and hit OK.

The ODB++ file will be uncompressed (if a .tgz file) and scanned. Depending on the size of the file this may take only a couple of seconds or as long as a minute. The main dialog will now be populated with information:

odb2oas main dialog


An ODB++ file must have at least one step, but may have many steps. It is possible in ODB++ to have many different circuits (each in its own step) and then have a step that "places" or arrays these circuits along with adding other essential board layout.

In the example above, the step labeled 220-10720-05a represents a single circuit and the step labeled array is an array of those circuits.


The ODB++ to OASIS converter will display a list of layers that are defined in the ODB++ input. Not all layers listed necessarily contain data. The user needs to know the name(s) of the layer to plot. Currently, the translator outputs a single layer into a single OASIS file. If you need data from 6 layers you must run the program 6 times -- each time changing the name of the OASIS output file.


To control the output file name and location, click on the Browse button. Then using the file dialog select the location and name. The default location and name is based on the working directory (defined in the settings) and the input file name.

Producing a OASIS File

To produce a OASIS file you must:

    a) select a step

    b) select a layer

    c) select (or accept the default) output file

    d) click on Convert

odb2oas main dialog

Settings ...

Prior to starting the conversion, we highly recommend you review the Settings.

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