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The Application Side

The recipe creation application resides on each engineer's desktop or laptop. It needs to communicate with Artwork's Qckvu3. This is not straightforward for a .NET application to do.

Qckvu3 uses a C++ based API and the Recipe Creation app uses .NET

To simplify the communication Artwork developed an interface module (Bitmap Specification Module - BSM) that accepts .NET API on one side and converts them to the right set of commands expected by Qckvu3 and its plug-in.

the BSM library interfaces with the Recipe Creation App.

BSM .NET Interface

The BSM dll interfaces with the Recipe Creation App to launch the Qckvu3 viewer with the Target Bitmap Acquisition Plug-in (TBAP) enabled (as opposed to the default behavior requiring the TBAP to be manually enabled through a menu pull down selection.)

Type Name Description
CLASS FactoryBitmapSpecCom Initializes and provides access to the BitmapSpecCom object.
FUNCTION GetInstance Returns the handle to the BitmapSpecCom object.
CLASS IBitmapSpecCom Interface to launch Qckvu3 and get the bitmap specification parameters from the user.
FUNCTION OpenViewer Launches Qckvu3. The file is passed so that Qckvu3 opens displaying the layout; the bitmapSpecPlg64 plug-in is visible and has been passed the bitmap dimensions and resolution so that the user can start selecting the target center coordinate.
PROPERTY CellName Get the name of the view cell selected by the user.
PROPERTY SelectedLayers Get the list of layers selected by the user.
PROPERTY Coordinates Get the co-ordinates of the center point of the bitmap selected by the user.
FUNCTION SetLogger Specify a client for log/error/warning messages.

Messages from BitmapSpec Plug-in to BitmapSpecCom.dll

Message Argument Description
BITMAP_SPEC_ERROR <error-message> Used to send back a fatal error encountered in Qckvu3 at any point in the entire operation.
BITMAP_SPEC_WARNING <warning-message> Used to send back a non-fatal error encountered in Qckvu3 during the entire operation.
BITMAP_SPEC_APPLY +filepath:<file-path>
+units:<FILE | PIXEL>
Used to send the bitmap specification parameters when the user confirms the selection.

Selecting Layers and the Target Location

Once Qckvu3 has been started it will display the layout data (full extents) and the special bitmap acquisition plug-in.

Qckvu3 with bitmap acquisition plug-in

the inspection engineer will now work inside of Qckvu3.

The desired layer (or layers) will be turned on.

The engineer will zoom into where the target is located.

Zoom into target location

The engineer will then click on the center of the target. A box showing the clip region will be drawn on screen.

a Box is drawn showing the selected clip region.

If the engineer is not satisfied with the location of the box, he/she can simply click in a new location. Once satisfied, the engineer clicks on the Apply button and the clip information will be transferred back to the calling application. The Qckvu3 display window will close.

Connecting to the Server

The Recipe Creation App can now send the pertinent information (layout filename/path, cell to view, layers to make visible, window to rasterize and DPI) to a program running on a centralized server called the Inspection Database Server.

clip info passed back to the recipe inspection app and from there to the inspection recipe server

NEXT - How the Server Side Works

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