Sample Function FlowOften our users need to clip out many small windows from a large GDSII file in order to do some sort of yield or process analysis. To make matters more complicated, they may need to use two separate GDSII source layers and produce a third "derived" layer for the analysis. A common example of this might be a poly layer which is often defined using a base layer and a cut layer as shown below. ![]() Let's set up the following example and see how QISMLIB and QISMBOOL can be used by a "client" to extract thousands of small windows from our GDSII data.
The Functional FlowBelow you will find a functional flow chart of which functions to call in the correct order. The flow will initialize the library, create an "exploder" instant, import the desired layers, set a clipping window and then place the extracted vectors from layer 33:0 into a memory buffer. A second exploder instance will be created and used to extract vectors into a separate buffer from layer 33:20. Once both exploder threads are done, the QISMBOOL Boolean library will be used to clip and subtract the one set from the other and produce a third set of vectors in memory that the client program can use for its analysis. |
[ Click on a function box to get some details about why it is used, what parameters are passed to it and what gets returned. ] ![]() [Next Page --> Boolean Function Call Flow] Notes Set_exact_window - within the first exploder instance we define our clipping window. Get_Vector_Data - this launches the traversal of our second instance through the database. |