Supported Wafer Map Output Formats

The following map formats are supported for output.


This is the latest and most comprehensive wafer map format created by the SEMI organization. Our implementation is limited to a wafer geometry, a single device, a single substrate and a single map per output file.

Header Section

This section identifies the file as a E142 and provides a link to the schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MapData xmlns="urn:semi-org:xsd.E142-1.V1005.SubstrateMap">

Layouts Section

This section defines the physical layout starting with a top level (the wafer) and then defines the size of the child (the device) While some tools may not require it, the Layouts section is a mandatory part of the SEMI E142 specification.

    <Layout LayoutId="WaferMap" DefaultUnits="mm" TopLevel="true">
      <Dimension X="1" Y="1" />
      <DeviceSize X="200.000000" Y="200.000000" />
        <ChildLayout LayoutId="A205808" />
    <Layout LayoutId="A205808" DefaultUnits="mm">
      <Dimension X="120" Y="145" />
      <DeviceSize X="1.259000" Y="1.542000" />
      <StepSize X="1.259000" Y="1.542000" />

Substrates Section

This section defines a substrate (E142 can support multiple substrate definitions though our software only produces a single substrate per file.)

    <Substrate SubstrateType="Wafer" SubstrateId="01">

Maps Section

This section defines the map. It first must be associated with a substrate and a layout. We then define the wafer orientation (0 = bottom) and the Origin location for the array.

That information is followed by a list of the reference devices. This particular wafer had 21 reference devices but the typical number is 1,2 or 4.

    <SubstrateMap SubstrateType="Wafer" SubstrateId="01" LayoutSpecifier="WaferMap/A205808">
      <Overlay MapName="SortGrade" MapVersion="1">
            <Coordinates X="6" Y="39" />

Map Section - Bin Code Definitions

Once the reference devices are listed, we then define the meaning of the various bin codes. Each entry will have a bin code, a bin quality attribute, a description and a count.

        <BinCodeMap BinType="Ascii" NullBin=".">
            <BinDefinition BinCode=".">
            <BinDefinition BinCode="F">
            <BinDefinition BinCode="1">
            <BinDefinition BinCode="M">

The Bin Map

The final section of the E142 file has the actual map data. This is a 2D array of bin codes.



This is a very simple format that contains only the map information -- no header with units, step size, wafer flat orientation.

Only 4 bincodes are supported:

Bin Code        Description
  .               null
  0               fail
  1               pass
  R               reference

A sample is shown below:



The SINF [Simplified Integrator Nested Format] spec consists of a header section followed by Row data. The basic structure is shown below:


DEVICE:xxx       identification assigned by originator
LOT:xxx          identification assigned by originator
WAFER:xxx        identification assigned by originator
FNLOC:180        wafer flat position (0=TOP,90=RIGHT,180=BOT 270=LEFT)
ROWCT:62         number of rows
COLCT:63         number of columns
BCEQU:01         List of Bin Codes that are good die
REFPX:           x-coord of reference die (optional)
REFPY:           y-coord of reference die (optional)
DUTMS:mm         die units of measurement (mm or mil)
XDIES:2.945      step along X
YDIES:2.945      step along Y

Row Data

Following the header is row data. It is identified by the keyword RowData: Here are the various hex values one will find in the row data:

00-0A                good die (each die type gets its own unique identifier starting at 00, 01, 02 ...)
                     reserve 0A for the die at wafer center.

0B-F0                bad die

__                   no die (underscore-underscore) used as a placeholder in the matrix.

@@                   uninspected die

FD-FE                edge die (optional)

FF                   reference die (typically a die that is visually different)

Row data lines look like this:

RowData:__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 01 01 01 01 __ __ __ __ __ 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 
RowData:__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 
RowData:__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 

Reference Die

There are two ways of locating the reference die:

The coordinate system when REFPX: and REFPY: is used is shown below:

SINF reference die coordinate system

WWF (Texas Instruments)


FACILITY=OEMNAME               Facility ID
LOT=99XXX.1                    Lot ID
DEVICE=CMD252EUBMB4            Device ID
WAFERS=01                      Number of Wafers in this file
X_SIZE=123.228                 Die Size in X (units appear to be mils
Y_SIZE=123.228                 Die Size in Y (units appear to be mils
SCRIBE="BOTTOM,15,NTRL,FAB"    Location of scribed data?
WAFER_SIZE=150                 Wafer diameter in mm
STATUS="PROD"                  Status
USER="NOINK"                   User or user defined info
BIN_NAME.01="G,WQLPASS"        Bin category
BIN_NAME.09="WQLFAIL"         Bin category

This is followed by a section called a shot map. This appears to be a listing of all die - perhaps those present from the reticle shots. Notice that for each Y row (ranging from -21 to 20) there is a "list" of X locations.

SHOT_MAP="Y-21 12/31 Y-20 10/33 Y-19 9/34 Y-18 8/35 Y-17 7/36
Y-16 6/37 Y-15 5/38 Y-14 4/39 Y-13 3/40 Y-12 3/40 Y-11 2/41 Y-10 2/41 Y-9 1/42
Y-8 1/42 Y-7 1/42 Y-6 0/43 Y-5 0/43 Y-4 0/43 Y-3 0/19 24/43 Y-2 0/19 24/43
Y-1 1/19 24/42 Y0 1/19 24/42 Y1 1/42 Y2 1/42 Y3 1/42 Y4 1/42 Y5 1/42 Y6 1/42
Y7 2/41 Y8 2/41 Y9 3/40 Y10 3/40 Y11 4/39 Y12 5/38 Y13 5/38 Y14 6/37 Y15 7/36
Y16 8/35 Y17 10/33 Y18 11/32 Y19 13/30 Y20 16/27"

Now the wafer is identified, the number of bins is declared and a BIN (previously defined) referred to. That is followed by all the die positions belonging to this bin.

MAP_XY.01.01="Y-21 12/18 20/28 30/31 Y-20 10/12 15/33 Y-19 9/34
Y-18 8/13 16/35 Y-17 7/13 16/22 24/27 29/35 Y-16 6/13 15/37 Y-15 5/8 10/13
16/31 33/37 Y-14 4/13 16/39 Y-13 4/13 16/26 28/40 Y-12 4/12 16/40 Y-11 2/5 7
9/12 16/41 Y-10 2/8 10/13 16 18/24 26/37 39/41 Y-9 1/13 16/42 Y-8 1/13 17/42
Y-7 2/13 17/25 27/42 Y-6 0/13 17/43 Y-5 0/13 18/43 Y-4 0/14 17/43 Y-3 0/7 9/14
17/19 24/43 Y-2 0/14 17 19 24/41 43 Y-1 1 3/5 7/11 13/17 19 26/29 31/42 Y0 2/10
17 36/42 Y1 1/11 23 27/31 38/42 Y2 1/2 4/10 14 19 21/22 24 26/42 Y3 1/2 4/10
12/21 23/32 35/42 Y4 1/2 4/14 16/19 21/29 31 33/42 Y5 1/2 4/42 Y6 1/2 4/17
19/23 25 27/42 Y7 2 4/25 27/41 Y8 2/17 19/41 Y9 4/40 Y10 4/13 15/18 20/23 25/29
31/36 38/40 Y11 4/31 33/39 Y12 5/12 14/38 Y13 5/25 27/38 Y14 6/16 18/37 Y15 7/9
11/29 31/34 36 Y16 8/16 18 20/27 29/35 Y17 10/33 Y18 11 13/29 31/32 Y19 13
15/21 23 25/30 Y20 16/19 21/24 26/27"

The next bin is enumerated followed by all the die positions belonging to this bin.

MAP_XY.01.09="Y-21 19 29 Y-20 13/14 Y-18 14/15 Y-17 14/15 23 28 36
Y-16 14 Y-15 9 14/15 32 38 Y-14 14/15 Y-13 3 14/15 27 Y-12 3 13/15 Y-11 6 8
13/15 Y-10 9 14/15 17 25 38 Y-9 14/15 Y-8 14/16 Y-7 1 14/16 26 Y-6 14/16
Y-5 14/17 Y-4 15/16 Y-3 8 15/16 Y-2 15/16 18 42 Y-1 2 6 12 18 24/25 30 Y0 1
11/16 18/19 24/35 Y1 12/22 24/26 32/37 Y2 3 11/13 15/18 20 23 25 Y3 3 11 22
33/34 Y4 3 15 20 30 32 Y5 3 Y6 3 18 24 26 Y7 3 26 Y8 18 Y9 3 Y10 3 14 19 24 30
37 Y11 32 Y12 13 Y13 26 Y14 17 Y15 10 30 35 Y16 17 19 28 Y18 12 30 Y19 14 22 24
Y20 20 25"

The file is closed with an END.


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