Supported Wafer Map Input Formats

Not all wafer maps have well defined names. Very often users simply refer to "map" file which really does not help in identifying the format. Below we define the map formats support for input by WaferMap Convert v2.0 and associate a name with each. We also provide a small sample which would enable one to identify where a file matches the format.


We call this ASY only because the sample files provided end in .asy. We don't know what machine generates these files and we did not receive any format documentation on this format. But it is simple enough to guess the various parameters.

Since no bin codes are defined in the header we assume that: F=FAIL, 1=PASS and M=REFERENCE


Flat_Notch  : Down                  Location of the flat or notch (0=bottom)
Product A0000A                      Product (aka Device) ID
Lot A200000                         Wafer Lot Number                
Wafer 01                            Wafer Number
Date 2017-11-17 10:18               Date Probed (guessing)
Number of good dies 13199           Good Die count
Good die = Bin 1,Bin 1              Bin Code for Good Die
Reference die = M                   reference die marked with bin code M
Nlines: 145                         number of rows in the array
Ncols: 120                          number of columns in the array

Map Section

The header is followed by the map.



We call this EM(Map) because of the source of this map file along with the extension ".map" of the sample files. Again we found no "formal" name nor do we know what equipment (likely a prober) produced this output.

Based on examining the data we believe: .=NULL, 0=FAIL, 1=PASS, R=REFERENCE

WaferId: 811175905A2                           wafer ID; likely includes LotID and Wafer ID
Flat/Notch: Down                               location of flat or notch
MaxXY: 179 214                                 number of columns/rows
TotDie: 26809                                  total die (not including NULL)
Tested: 26809                                  number of die tested
Pickable: 23789                                number of die that can be picked


Notice that there is no stepping information or wafer diameter information in this format. Such data will have to be obtained separately and can be entered into WaferMap Convert's dialog to produce a more useful output map file.


This format was submitted to us by Unisem and it appears identical with EM (which is why we group it together) with the exception of the wafer flat location parameter. Instead of Flat/Notch:Down the Unisem format uses the keyword Orient: followed by a 1,2,3 or 4.


STIF was created by ST Microelectronics. This map file is complete -- one has both the geometric information needed and the map data. The bin codes are defined in the STIF documentation.

WM - V1.3 - STMicroelectronics Wafer Map File

LOT G709059                         Lot ID
WAFER 01                            Wafer ID
PRODUCT DA00000-02                  Device or Product ID
XSTEP 648 UNITS (0.1)MIL            X Step Size
YSTEP 540 UNITS (0.1)MIL            Y Step Size
FLAT 180                            Flat Orientation
XREF -9737  UNITS (0.1)MIL          distance from ref die to wafer center 
YREF -36630 UNITS (0.1)MIL          distance from ref die to wafer center 
XBE TARG1 67                        target1 X
YBE TARG1 26                        target1 Y 
XBE TARG2 128                       target2 X
YBE TARG2 137                       target2 Y
TARGBC 125                          bin code (ASCII) for target
XFRST 67                            ref die location X
YFRST 26                            ref die location Y
PRQUAD 2                            probe quadrant (UL)
COQUAD 2                            coordinate quadrant (UL)
DIAM 7874                           wafer diameter in mils?
XSTRP 22                            first die in array X (wrt UL)
YSTRP 22                            first die in array Y (wrt UL)
NULBC 126                           NULL Bin (ascii 126)
GOODS 12195                         number of good die
DATE 2017-00-00
TIME 09:00:00
OLIPATH	\\archive$\eg_root\lots\LOT1\xref.waf
OPERATOR joe blow
MERGEDATE 2017-00-00
MERGETIME 12:00:00

WMXDIM=121                          number of columns in array
WMYDIM=145                          number of rows in array



SEMI E142 is a standard developed by SEMI. The format uses XML and is very comprehensive supporting more than one device per map, multiple maps per file, additional information for bin codes. We are primarily concerned with a single map file per layout and a single layout per file.

Header Section

This section identifies the file as a E142 and provides a link to the schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MapData xmlns="urn:semi-org:xsd.E142-1.V1005.SubstrateMap">

Layouts Section

This section defines the physical layout starting with a top level (the wafer) and then defines the size of the child (the device) While some tools may not require it, the Layouts section is a mandatory part of the SEMI E142 specification.

    <Layout LayoutId="WaferMap" DefaultUnits="mm" TopLevel="true">
      <Dimension X="1" Y="1" />
      <DeviceSize X="200.000000" Y="200.000000" />
        <ChildLayout LayoutId="A205808" />
    <Layout LayoutId="A205808" DefaultUnits="mm">
      <Dimension X="120" Y="145" />
      <DeviceSize X="1.259000" Y="1.542000" />
      <StepSize X="1.259000" Y="1.542000" />

Substrates Section

This section defines a substrate (E142 can support multiple substrate definitions though our software only produces a single substrate per file.)

    <Substrate SubstrateType="Wafer" SubstrateId="01">

Maps Section

This section defines the map. It first must be associated with a substrate and a layout. We then define the wafer orientation (0 = bottom) and the Origin location for the array.

That information is followed by a list of the reference devices. This particular wafer had 21 reference devices but the typical number is 1,2 or 4.

    <SubstrateMap SubstrateType="Wafer" SubstrateId="01" LayoutSpecifier="WaferMap/A205808">
      <Overlay MapName="SortGrade" MapVersion="1">
            <Coordinates X="6" Y="39" />

Map Section - Bin Code Definitions

Once the reference devices are listed, we then define the meaning of the various bin codes. Each entry will have a bin code, a bin quality attribute, a description and a count.

        <BinCodeMap BinType="Ascii" NullBin=".">
            <BinDefinition BinCode=".">
            <BinDefinition BinCode="F">
            <BinDefinition BinCode="1">
            <BinDefinition BinCode="M">

The Bin Map

The final section of the E142 file has the actual map data. This is a 2D array of bin codes.



The SINF [Simplified Integrator Nested Format] spec consists of a header section followed by Row data. The basic structure is shown below:


DEVICE:xxx       identification assigned by originator
LOT:xxx          identification assigned by originator
WAFER:xxx        identification assigned by originator
FNLOC:180        wafer flat position (0=TOP,90=RIGHT,180=BOT 270=LEFT)
ROWCT:62         number of rows
COLCT:63         number of columns
BCEQU:01         List of Bin Codes that are good die
REFPX:           x-coord of reference die (optional)
REFPY:           y-coord of reference die (optional)
DUTMS:mm         die units of measurement (mm or mil)
XDIES:2.945      step along X
YDIES:2.945      step along Y

Row Data

Following the header is row data. It is identified by the keyword RowData: Here are the various hex values one will find in the row data:

00-0A                good die (each die type gets its own unique identifier starting at 00, 01, 02 ...)
                     reserve 0A for the die at wafer center.

0B-F0                bad die

__                   no die (underscore-underscore) used as a placeholder in the matrix.

@@                   uninspected die

FD-FE                edge die (optional)

FF                   reference die (typically a die that is visually different)

Row data lines look like this:

RowData:__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 01 01 01 01 __ __ __ __ __ 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 
RowData:__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 
RowData:__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 

Reference Die

There are two ways of locating the reference die:

The coordinate system when REFPX: and REFPY: is used is shown below:

SINF reference die coordinate system

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