PADs Rep File Format

Pads aperture lists generally end with the .rep extension.


LINE= round aperture used as a draw
ODD = custom aperture; no way to tell really what it is.
SQRL = square aperture used as a draw.

Missing Info:
Format  x.x; (try 2.3 or 3.4)
Absolute/Incremental (try absolute first)
Leading/Trailing Zero Suppression (Try leading, then trailing)
Gerber Units (mm or inch): (try inch first)

Photo-Plotter Symbol Table
Position  Width  Hgt/ID  Shape
========  =====  ======  =====
   10       10       0    LINE
   11       12       0    LINE
   14       50       0    SQR
   15       78       20   OVAL
   16      100       20   RECT
   17       50       0    THER 
   18       55       0    RND 
   19       60       0    RND 
   42       10       0    SQRL
   43       15       0    SQRL
   50      200       0    ODD 

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