XGDSPLOT Documentation

We've provided the XGDSPLOT manual in PDF format. To read or print the PDF file you will need Adobe's Acrobat reader which is freely available directly from Adobe's site.

chp1.pdf Introduces some of XGSDPLOT's features and benefits. 35 KB
chp2.pdf Installation - Describes how to install XGDSPLOT. 516 KB
chp3.pdf Running XGDSPLOT - Describes how to run the XGDSPLOT program and takes you through the various menus. 52 Kbytes
chp4.pdf Plot & Page Configuration - Describes how to run the plotter and page setup configuration - select the correct plot file format, direct it to the right plot queue, define the page size, orientation and margins. 346 Kbytes
app2.pdf XGDSPLOT Resources - Describes the various resource files used by XGDSPLOT - read this if you are the CAD manager and want to know better how to set defaults for all of your users. 48 Kbytes

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