Running xgdsplot in Batch mode

Before running xgdsplot in batch mode, one must run the user interface at least once to generate the correct plotter configuration file plot.cfg, and fill pattern file
The plot.cfg file stores information such as page size, plot to a file or send out to the plotter, margins, plotter type, etc.
The file has the layer mapping with the fill pattern, outline color/type for each one of the layers.
Another file that must exist is the config file (File_Name.cfg) which has information on the layers to plot and scale/fit option. This is a simple text file generated by the xgdsplot interface or by the user.

Here is a sample script file to run xgdsplot from a command line:

/export/gdsplot/bin/gscan mq_inpad.gds -sh -sea -dtp -job!mq_inpad.job -o:mq_inpad.ssn
/export/gdsplot/bin/gdsplt -explode -RAM64 -a2 -aref=calma /drv9/ht2/mq_inpad.gds mq_inpad.cfg mq_inpad -job:mq_inpad.job

There are two command lines in the script. The first is to run the gscan program so it will create the job file and the scan file (.job and .ssn)
The two files have information such as cells/layers in the file, extents of the file and more.

/export/gdsplot/bin/gscan mq_inpad.gds -sh -sea -dtp -job!mq_inpad.job -o:mq_inpad.ssn

The second command is to run gdsplt engine to convert the GDSII file to raster format.

/export/gdsplot/bin/gdsplt -explode -RAM64 -a2 -aref=calma /drv9/ht2/mq_inpad.gds mq_inpad.cfg mq_inpad -job:mq_inpad.job

The command line will rasterize the file mq_inpad.gds using the config, job and map files specified on the command line. The cell to the plot is mq_inpad and it is on the command line as well.
You can refer to the manual for a list of all the command line option for the gdsplt engine, or you can use the gdsplt -h to get a list.