
gds2tiff Application

Artwork includes the application, gds2tiff, in order help the programmer better understand how to use the gdsrip library in a real application. It is provided in both source and binary format.

the gds2tiff application includes:

  • conversion of the raw bitmap to TIFF format with packbit compression.

  • support for more than one raster buffer.

In a real world application just getting a band of data rasterized and sitting in memory is not the final objective. Something has to be done with that bitmap data - for example, it probably needs to be formatted into a form that a subsequent application can use; since we are dealing with very large bitmaps it also likely needs to be compressed before writing it to disk.

The formatting and compression thread will require additional memory and CPU cycles. Depending on how the code is written, this process may represent a small portion of the overall time or it may represent a significant portion.

The GDS2TIFF Command Line

gds2tiff_qwin.exe input_file top_structure input_layer_set [options]


 gds2tiff_qwin.exe   the full path and name of the executable. i.e.
                     C:\wcad\gds2tiff\gds2wtiff_qwin.exe. Use quotation marks
                     if a space is part of the directory.

 input_file          the GDS file to be rasterized (use full path)

 top_structure       either the name of the structure to process or use "=" to instruct 
                     the program to automatically select the top level structure.

 input_layer_set     "=" for all layers 

                     +layer_number[+layer_number] for selected layers 
                     i.e. +6+10 to process layers 6 and 10.

Command Line Options

there are two types of command line options: library specific options are passed directly to the gdsriplib library. Application specific options control this particular sample application and are not passed directly to the gdsriplib.

Library Specific Options

The options listed below control the gdsriplip. They are passed from the application directly to the library.

-extents:xlow,ylow,xhigh,yhigh         Specify the window to be extracted default is the file extents

  -dpi:DPI                             Dots per inch at which rasterisation must occur
  -dpm:DPM                             Dots per mm at which rasterisation must occur
  -pixelsize:P                         Rasterize at P um (micron) per pixel

  -ram:BUFFSIZE                        Allocate BUFFSIZE MBytes for the raster buffer

  -only:i,j...N-1,N-m                  Process only bands i,j,N-1,N-m where 0i,j=N 0mN This option
                                       is generally used for debugging.

  -input_is_conditioned                To be used if input data is guaranteed to be convex in X. It
                                       enables the rasterizer to eliminate some polygon checks and
                                       hence runs faster.

  -dbs:n                               Number of polygon/path vertices reserved for data buffer, used
                                       as a reference point to determine how to subdivide a band.
                                       4000000 should be a good nominal value.

  -out:output_file_base_name           Base name for the output .log and .tif files

  -memstats                            Enable logging of memory usage at different stages of program 
                                       execution. Programmer's tool.

  -logcalls                            Log the calls made to the library along with the parameter 
                                       values passed. Programmer's tool.

  -mirror:M[,m]                        Where M and m can take on the values of x and/or y
                                       mirroring is applied before any other transformation

  -scale:S[,s]                         Where S and s are scale factors in x and y respectively. 
                                      (default S = s) Scaling is applied after mirroring, but 
                                      before rotation.

  -rotate:R                            Where R is an integer multiplier taken modulo 4 applied to 90.0 
                                       degrees, e.g. R = 2 implies 180 degrees, while R = -1 implies 
                                       -90 degree rotatation. Rotation is applied after mirroring and 
                                       scaling operations.

  -degrees:D                           Where D is the rotation in degrees applied after mirroring and 
                                       scaling if any D must be a multiple of 90.0

  -complement                          Invert raster buffer before output, i.e. take complement of 
                                       raster buffer which reverses the bitmap polarity.

  -invert                              Invert TIFF image by setting inverse flag in TIFF header.

  -geometry_only                       Include text and node info to determine data extents, not 
                                       just geometries such as boundaries and paths.

  -vertical                            Each band runs vertically instead of horizontally.

  -bitmap_clip_dim:M,N                 Specify bitmap clipping dimensions. M is the number of pixels 
                                       along X, N is the number of pixels along Y.

  -bitmap_clip_dim:M                   Specify bitmap clipping dimensions. If the -vertical option is 
                                       present, M refers to the number of pixels along X (width) 
                                       otherwise it refers to the number of pixels along Y (height).

  -top_edge_golden                     The raster image is anchored to the high quantized Y 
                                       window value (default)

  -bottom_edge_golden                  The raster image is anchored to the low quantized Y 
                                       window value

  -right_edge_golden                   The raster image is anchored to the high quantized X 
                                       window value (default)

  -left_edge_golden                    The raster image is anchored to the low quantized X 
                                       window value.

  -bmp                                 The output data is a 8 bit Bitmap image

  +bmp                                 The output data is a top to bottom 8 bit Bitmap image 
                                       (image length is -ve)

Application Specific Options

These options are specific to the sample gds2tiff application.

  -h                                      Display usage

  -nbuff:NBUFFS                           Number of buffers to be used simultaneously for ripping 
                                          and formatting.

  -keep                                   Generate tif files but do not keep any         

  -keep:i,j...N-1,N-m                     Keep only tif files corresponding to bands i,j,N-1,N-m 
                                          for 0<i,j<=N 0<m<N

  -timeout:NSec                           Specify the maximum time to wait for a band

  -showinfo                               Provide extent and dryrun info

  -dryrun                                 Only run program to get information regarding image size and 
                                          number of bands

  +dryrun                                 Get information about imagesize and number of bands first 
                                          and then continue

  -verbose                                Print tiff file information in gds2tiff.log

  -controlfile:FileName                   Specify the file name that will be used to pause, abort, 
                                          kill the program.